First cut the main wood piece so it has a shaped tip for your sword point, then cut out two card rectangles that fit to the wood piece as the shaft of your sword. Leave room on the end for a hilt.
Step 1
Step 2
Begin with getting a long thin wood piece for your base, I used an old wooden metre ruler and just cut off the end to the length I wanted. You will also need a hot glue gun, marbles, some thick card, masking tape, some leather/vinyl pieced, and of course spray paint.

Step 3

Now stick these on with hot glue, then shape the card so it's got curved edges. My card had a thin polystyrene centre so it added to the extra volume you can see in the pictures. Then cut two more pieces to add as guards and glue them on too.

Step 4

Now cut the hilt pieces, cut two holes in the end as this is where you'll place the 'gems'. These are just marbles that you'll glue in next, so cut the holes to snuggly fit the marbles/gems you intend to put there.

Step 5

Now check sizing for the gems. Mine is a cracked marble (180 degrees celcius for 20 mins in an oven then straight into iced water to cool.) This 'shatters' the inside of the glass making it all sparkly. Don't glue them in just yet.
Step 6

Now once all your card is shaped and glued firmly, cover the sword shaft entirely in masking tape. Be careful not to make any creases and keep the overlap minimal so it's a nice smooth finish. You could coat it in some sort of primer or putty as an extra step to get it perfect... but I was too lazy this time.

Step 7
Now paint! give it a nice thick coat of silver or whatever metallic colour you want it to be.

Step 8
Once it's all dry cut some leather or cord/wire etc into strips and wrap these around the hilt and cross guard to give a nice handle to your sword. I just used scraps of black faux leather and PVA glue with pegs on it till they dried on fully. Once this is done pop your stones back in and use a little hot glue around the edges to secure them.