Ariel Cosplay Hip Poof

Ariel from Disney's 'The Little Mermaid' has always been one of my favourite disney princesses.
So of course, I had to make a cosplay of her :)
Step 1

As I was making my Ariel cosplay costume, I noticed that she has a poofy thing around her waist, so I decided to replicate that with a wire coathanger, bubble wrap, and fabric. You'll also need a clasp, masking tape, thread and cotton for this too.

Step 2
First bend the wire coathanger around your waist in the shape you want, then bend over the ends and attatch a clasp- any will work.

Step 3
Now fold the bubble wrap in half, and roll then secure with masking tape. If you don't have bubble wrap you could just use any sort of foam or chicken wire or something, anything to make it poofy basically. :)

Step 4

Then bend the rolled bubble wrap around the wire and secure with more masking tape. I then spraypainted the whole thing black so it wouldn't be seen beneath the fabrics, however this is really optional.
Step 5
Now pin on the fabric and stitch on around the middle. I had two colours so I just did layers of a dark green tule and light green organsa.

Step 6
Continue wrapping layers until you get the colour density you want. Make sure you stitch firmly and thoroughly around the ends to hold it all in.

Step 7 - Final Product